Relax. You’re on the Right Path           

Relax. You’re on the Right Path           

Another lunch walk message from the natural world was received loud and clear. I was on my mid-morning walk a.k.a. “happy escape from the office,” down at the Shelby Bottoms greenway feeling good, watching the wind blow the leaves and tall grasses into gentle, friendly waving motions. There is so much to see when I pay attention, and I’m sure glad I did because right there standing before me were three eight-point bucks and two fawns. I counted every point.

It must have been “Mother’s Day Out” because I don’t think I’ve ever seen three bucks at one time, especially while they were babysitting their young. The fawns were sweet baby angels, and the bucks were calm and majestic. I watched them cross the paved path from wooded area to wooded area. One of my favorite things to do is to peer deeper into the wooded areas to see what I can see behind the first layer of trees. I’m so glad I didn’t miss this.

In addition to the bucks and fawns, I saw a leapfrog. I didn’t see it until I was up close to it and probably scared it, which is how I got to see the leap in action. This little guy was giving full leg extensions; his body was no more than two inches long, not counting his legs. I bet he jumped two feet off the ground. I stopped and let him work his way to the greenery on the side of the path. I could see his leg muscles working, which made me think about my own fitness and what I needed to be doing. I stood there for a minute to give the frog plenty of room for his exit, and I truly appreciated the gift of seeing four or more leaps in a row.

So, what is the significance of these rare animal sightings? I think there is power in the biggest or smallest creatures out here, and I also think there has to be something special about seeing multiples of the same animal. There’s also something significant about how they interact with me; for example, the fact that three bucks and two fawns, a leapfrog, and a black cat (after work) all crossed my direct path today can be translated into a specific message from the Universe.

Here’s the breakdown:

Encountering three deer is a powerful message encouraging me to keep moving forward with confidence. There is guidance every step of the way. The two fawns represent the importance of balance in my life.

The frog represents new starts and personal transformation. I need to keep moving forward to achieve a higher state of being, to let go of bad habits that hold me back, and to forgive aspects of my identity that I no longer align with.

A black cat crossing my path is a sign that good luck and prosperity are near.

All good things! I feel very fortunate to have had these encounters, and I choose to understand them as positive and peaceful messages of love and comfort, “Relax. You’re on the right path.”

From the Outside,


Picture of Margie Sanders

Margie Sanders

Margie Sanders, a Nashville native, is an author, entrepreneur, explorer and adventurer. Some of her accomplishments include thru-hiking the Appalachian Trail, writing & self publishing the book Southbound as Told by Number 2.

the Book


as Told by Number 2

I’ll Get There When I Get There.

Now Available in Print or eBook

Southbound as Told by Number 2

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